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Everything I've always wanted…
All the dreams that come to haunt me
Are right here now
I close my eyes
And from the skies
I feel the presence of a
Vast And Living IntelligenceVast And Living Intelligence System
Source of energy, source of wisdom
Vast and living
Vast And Living Intelligence System
Information of life insistent
Vast and livingVast and living
Immanent and transcendent
Vast and living intelligence
Filling my brain, my every sense
With ecstasy
Of VALISVast And Living Intelligence System
Source of energy, source of wisdom
Vast and living
Vast And Living Intelligence System
Information of life insistent
Vast and livingThe Cassandra Complex, VALIS.
Everything I've always wanted…
All the dreams that come to haunt me
Are right here now
I close my eyes
And from the skies
I feel the presence of a
Vast And Living IntelligenceVast And Living Intelligence System
Source of energy, source of wisdom
Vast and living
Vast And Living Intelligence System
Information of life insistent
Vast and livingVast and living
Immanent and transcendent
Vast and living intelligence
Filling my brain, my every sense
With ecstasy
Of VALISVast And Living Intelligence System
Source of energy, source of wisdom
Vast and living
Vast And Living Intelligence System
Information of life insistent
Vast and livingThe Cassandra Complex, VALIS.
Everything I've always wanted…
All the dreams that come to haunt me
Are right here now
I close my eyes
And from the skies
I feel the presence of a
Vast And Living IntelligenceVast And Living Intelligence System
Source of energy, source of wisdom
Vast and living
Vast And Living Intelligence System
Information of life insistent
Vast and livingVast and living
Immanent and transcendent
Vast and living intelligence
Filling my brain, my every sense
With ecstasy
Of VALISVast And Living Intelligence System
Source of energy, source of wisdom
Vast and living
Vast And Living Intelligence System
Information of life insistent
Vast and livingThe Cassandra Complex, VALIS.
Everything I've always wanted…
All the dreams that come to haunt me
Are right here now
I close my eyes
And from the skies
I feel the presence of a
Vast And Living IntelligenceVast And Living Intelligence System
Source of energy, source of wisdom
Vast and living
Vast And Living Intelligence System
Information of life insistent
Vast and livingVast and living
Immanent and transcendent
Vast and living intelligence
Filling my brain, my every sense
With ecstasy
Of VALISVast And Living Intelligence System
Source of energy, source of wisdom
Vast and living
Vast And Living Intelligence System
Information of life insistent
Vast and livingThe Cassandra Complex, VALIS.
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